Story Idea: Start Vertical, just to be silly, have a small stick figure come in, push the video horizontal (this is just for fun)
Start on campus shots, I am in boulder, so I want to use campus.
REAL LIFE -> lightning or flashing some AE shots to bring animated character to real life maybe?
This I suspect will be hard, so maybe do it in cartoon version of boulder
have character interact with boulder stuff, very confused
END: With cartoon waking up in own dimension confused about why he was in a "cartoon" of boulder or something
I want the character to imbue weirdness, if I can interact with a person that would be cool, but COVID suck
I honestly have no Idea and may go to office hours to flesh out the idea
I do: want to have the pop quizzes down a bit to get an idea of what the tools can do, but also get an idea of what I can do with those tools.
I really want to know what I can do myself, in order to estimate the types of things I want to do. But Id like a chartoon character to appear: the twist is we are already in his dream seeing him arrive, and the end is him waking up in his world.
Style of character idea?

Reference Type Ideas