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Project 2 (Soundscape) Final Statement


See how sound and the land(scape) fuse into one?


Digital art tends in my estimation rely on the visual media more than other forms of art. When you think DIGITAL! You think of technology, touch screens, knobs, dials, even levers. You think of CRT monitors and plasma TVs. You may think of a publish house doing huge spreads; "GORGEOUS COLOURS" they exclaim. But what of the other senses, should they be left alone in such times?

Can you hear art with your ears? Countless years, and a few symphonies here and there art are they not? Why not let our ears feel the joy that digital art brings to the eyes?

I'd rather have any story, than none. Sound lets the mind's eye make that story possible in ways no artist can dream.

Sound can carry you to a far-off ocean, a bustling city, a contemplative forest; all without a single drop of light touching the eye. Because we can see it with our minds, there is no limit to space, time, colour, or even many assets to weigh the artist down. We paint with the listeners mind, allowing every sound to capture our attentions.


Nature is a sounding board, an escape from visuals, to a change in stage.


What story can sound have? The best kept secret of this, is of course every story ever told. Paint a tractor, the viewer will compare it to thier childhood memory, but let the patron hear a tractor, and it's always the best tractor they can think of. You live in their world, but you give it life for them.

When we try to show the world, we always must overcome the notion of what is and isn't artwork. But letting a patron hear the art, allows any "form" to grow in thier minds. The symphonies of old told stories of ages past and even our future. The enabled the masses to comprehend and remember, to imagine, and inspire.


Nature calls to us, we listen, we forget.


We now look to the stars. Mars most mission shows us what the planet looks like, but now we have ways to listen, because in the end, every day we listen to Earth, we listen to nature, and we [should] listen to each other.

Sound inherently "is less cool", until to realize what those squiggles mean


There were those times as a teenager, when I would sit at my computer to listen to music. It was the best speakers I had, and I would turn on that old window media player and listen, but it would visualize the songs. Eventually you learn to see music and learn to listen for visuals.

Here is my class audition track I thought it looked cool, and shows that I used LOTS of sounds, across various layers and effects.


I don't think this art is for everyone, but it's for everyone that wants to think about how we might view the most mundane of things, or the most exciting... after all the best sounds are the ones you haven't heard yet...



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